Here are the most telling differences:ġ-This 1980's - 1998 pointed bell style TRC is only 1 ply vs 2 ply with thicker white borders on MIJ examplesĢ-The nut is very rectangular vs Japan made nuts that slope up towards the fretboardģ-Fret board wood is very pale on early Korean examples.
The headstock dimple is identical to UK models. This A-LS-xx is a left handed example, which makes it a very unlikely fake candidate.
Here is a Korean Dimple headstock A-LS example, to help distinguish MIK from U-LS UK Richtone music examples that are MIJ, and similar to domestic Tokais, outside of headstock dimple and sycamore tops used on LS-150F's. I found this post by reborn old from 2012 on the mylespaul forum.